Florida Algebra 1 EOC in 2025: Understanding the Adaptive Test Format

Our article overviews the adaptive test format for the 2025 Florida Algebra 1 End-of-Course (EOC) exam and debunks a misconception in some schools that students should leave questions blank to improve their chances of passing the test.  

The research for the article began by identifying the official website of the Florida Department of Education1. The Florida Algebra 1 EOC is a compulsory assessment step for high school graduation (go to note a.) in Florida. Starting in 2025, it will transition to a computer-adaptive test (CAT) format. 

This article aims to provide students and educators with a clear understanding of this change. It is important to note that students who need to retake the Algebra 1 EOC to meet graduation requirements will take this new version of the exam, aligned with Florida's Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards2.

What is an Adaptive Test?

An adaptive test, also known as a computer-adaptive test (CAT), is a form of assessment that adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the test-taker's performance3. Imagine it like a personalized learning experience where the test responds to your answers. If you answer a question correctly, the test challenges you with a harder question. If you answer incorrectly, the next question will be easier. This continuous adjustment throughout the test allows it to pinpoint your skill level accurately. Think of it as a guided journey through the assessment, where each question is tailored to your current understanding.

Adaptive tests employ algorithms and item response theory to determine the most suitable question for each student based on their responses. This method ensures that the test effectively and precisely measures a student's proficiency level6.

Adaptive Testing in the Florida EOC Context

The Florida Department of Education is implementing adaptive testing for the Algebra 1 EOC to create a more personalized and accurate assessment experience7. This transition to CAT aligns with the department's objective of improving the assessment's ability to gauge student comprehension of the B.E.S.T. Standards2.

To explain how adaptive testing works in the Florida EOC, let's consider an example:

  1. Starting Point: A student begins the Algebra 1 EOC on a computer.

  2. Initial Question: The student is presented with a question of moderate difficulty.

  3. Response and Adjustment:

  • If the student answers correctly, the next question will be more challenging.

  • If the student answers incorrectly, the next question will be easier.

  1. Continuous Adaptation: This process of adjusting the difficulty level continues throughout the test, ensuring that the questions are always appropriate for the student's current level of understanding.

 The Key Features of Adaptive Testing in the Florida EOC:

  • Computer-Based: The test is administered on a computer using the Cambium Test Delivery System (TDS)8.

  • Item-Level Adaptation: The difficulty of each question is modified based on the student's response to the previous question9.

  • One Session: The Algebra 1 EOC is conducted in one 160-minute session, with a 10-minute break after the first 80 minutes8.

  • Progressive Difficulty: The test presents progressively more challenging items as students answer correctly. If students answer incorrectly, the difficulty level decreases8.

  • Individualized Test Experience: Each student encounters a unique set of questions tailored to their ability level9.

  • Efficient Measurement: Adaptive testing allows for more efficient and accurate measurement of student proficiency with fewer questions3.

  • No Skipping or Reviewing: It's important to note that because the test adapts based on each response, students cannot skip questions or go back to review previous answers9.

Test Dates

The Florida Algebra 1 EOC is offered during specific testing windows throughout the year. The table below outlines the testing windows for the 2024-2025 school year:

Testing Window



December 2-20, 2024


May 1-30, 2025


July 14-25, 2025

Benefits of Adaptive Testing

Adaptive testing offers several advantages compared to traditional, fixed-form tests:

  • Increased Precision: CAT provides a more accurate evaluation of a student's abilities by adjusting the difficulty of questions to match their performance. This personalized approach ensures that the assessment accurately reflects each student's understanding6.

  • Reduced Test Time: Adaptive tests can often be shorter than traditional tests because they efficiently target a student's proficiency level. This means students can demonstrate their knowledge without spending excessive time on the assessment6.

  • Enhanced Student Engagement: The personalized nature of adaptive testing can keep students more engaged throughout the assessment. As the questions adapt to their level, students are less likely to feel overwhelmed or bored, leading to a more positive testing experience10.

  • Improved Test Security: CAT reduces the risk of misconduct by presenting each student with a unique set of questions. This makes it more difficult for students to copy answers or share information during the test3.

How to Prepare for an Adaptive Test

Preparing for an adaptive test requires a slightly different approach than traditional tests. Here are some tips for students:

  • Master the Fundamentals: A strong foundation in the subject is essential for success in any assessment, including adaptive tests. Ensure a solid understanding of the core concepts and skills covered in the Algebra 1 curriculum2.

  • Practice with Online Tools: Familiarize with the computer-based testing environment and practice with online adaptive test platforms. This will help you become comfortable with the format and reduce test anxiety.

  • Focus on Accuracy: Since the difficulty adapts based on performance, it's crucial to answer each question carefully and strive for accuracy. Take time, review your answers, and understand the concepts before moving on.

  • Don't Get Discouraged: If you encounter a difficult question, don't get discouraged. Remember that the test adjusts to your level, and the next question may be more manageable. Maintain a positive attitude and focus on doing your best.

  • Time Management: While adaptive tests can be shorter, managing your time effectively is still essential. Pace yourself and allocate your time wisely to ensure you can complete the test within the allotted time.

Leaving a Question Blank Is A Strategy To Be Avoided

Leaving answers blank on the Florida Algebra 1 EOC (or any adaptive test) is generally not a good strategy. Here's why:

  • How Adaptive Tests Work: Adaptive tests adjust the difficulty of questions based on your responses. If you answer a question correctly, the next question will be more challenging. If you answer incorrectly, the next question will be easier. The test continues to adjust until it accurately pinpoints your skill level.  

  • Impact of Blank Answers: When you leave a question blank, the test interprets it as an incorrect answer. This can lead to the test presenting easier questions, potentially preventing you from demonstrating your complete understanding of the subject.  

  • No Penalty for Guessing: There is no penalty for guessing on the Florida Algebra 1 EOC. Even if you are unsure of the correct answer, it's always better to make an educated guess than to leave it blank. You might get it right, and even if you don't, it provides the test with additional information about your abilities.

Instead of leaving answers blank, consider these strategies:

  • Process of Elimination: If you don't know the answer, try eliminating some choices. This increases your chances of guessing correctly.

  • Educated Guesses: Use your knowledge of the subject to make an informed guess. Even if you're unsure, you might be able to narrow down the possibilities.

  • Time Management: Manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to attempt all questions. Don't rush, but don't dwell too long on any question.

You can maximize your Florida Algebra 1 EOC performance by actively engaging with each question and making educated guesses.


The transition to an adaptive format for the Florida Algebra 1 EOC in 2025 represents a significant step towards more personalized and precise assessments. This change aims to provide a more accurate measure of student understanding and enhance the overall testing experience. By understanding how adaptive testing works and preparing accordingly, students can confidently approach the exam and demonstrate their true grasp of Algebra 1 concepts.

This shift to adaptive testing also has implications for educators. Teachers can use the data from adaptive assessments to better understand individual student needs and tailor their instruction accordingly. By embracing this new format and providing students with the necessary support and resources, educators can help students succeed in the Florida Algebra 1 EOC and beyond.


  1. Standard Diploma Requirements Academic Advisement – What Students and Parents Need to Know (www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7764/urlt/standarddiplomarequirements.pdf)


1. Florida Department of Education Home, accessed January 8, 2025, https://www.fldoe.org/

2. End-of-Course Exams. Accessed January 8, 2025,

3. What Is Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)? — Meaning & Definition, accessed January 8, 2025, https://blog.caveon.com/computer-adaptive-test-meaning

4. The new SAT is “Adaptive.” What does that mean for students? Accessed January 8, 2025,

5. Adaptive Assessment: What Possibilities Do You Have? - TAO Testing, accessed January 8, 2025, https://www.taotesting.com/blog/adaptive-assessment-what-possibilities-do-you-have/

6. Adaptive Testing - The e-Assessment Association, accessed January 8, 2025, https://www.e-assessment.com/news/adaptive-testing/

7. 2024–25 BEST Algebra 1 and Geometry End-of-Course Assessments Fact Sheet - Florida Department of Education, accessed January 8, 2025, https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/20102/urlt/2425BESTEOCFactSheet.pdf

8. 2023–2024 Florida B.E.S.T. End-of-Course Assessments Private School Student Parent/Guardian Information Sheet, accessed January 8, 2025, https://fl50010848.schoolwires.net/cms/lib/FL50010848/Centricity/Domain/340/2024%20Private%20School%20Student%20Participation%20in%20SPRING%20B.E.S.T.%20EOC%20Exams%20Parent%20Sheet.pdf

9. Florida's Statewide Grades 3-10 and EOC Computer-Adaptive Tests FAQ — Miami Southridge Senior High School, accessed January 8, 2025, https://miamisouthridgeshs.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Computer-Adaptive-Tests-FAQs.pdf

10. Computer adaptive testing: Pros and cons — CodeSignal, accessed January 8, 2025, https://codesignal.com/blog/tech-recruiting/pros-cons-computer-adaptive-testing/ 

Final Remarks

The article is the work of Prof. Nilza Cruz with the assistance of Irving A. Jimenez.  We also utilized AI platforms such as Gemini, Storm, Open-Source ChatGPT, and Grammarly as research aids to save time and check for expressions' structural and logical coherence. The reason for using various platforms is to verify information from multiple sources and validate it through academic databases and equity firm analysts with whom we have collaborated. The references and notes in this work provide a comprehensive list of the sources utilized. As the editor, I have taken great care to ensure all sources are appropriately cited and that the authors are duly acknowledged for their contributions. The content is based primarily on our analysis and synthesis of the sources. The compilation, summaries, and inferences are the product of our time and motivation to expand and share our knowledge. While we have drawn from quality sources to inform our perspective, the conclusion reflects our views and understanding of the topics covered as they continue to develop through constant learning and review of the literature in this education field.


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