Enhancing U.S. Educational Outcomes: An Integrated Framework Combining System Dynamics, Probabilistic Analysis, and Artificial Intelligence


This paper presents an alternative approach to enhancing U.S. students' performance on international assessments by integrating system dynamics, probabilistic analysis, and artificial intelligence into a comprehensive decision-making framework. Despite significant investments in education, U.S. students frequently underperform compared to their international peers, highlighting the need for a more holistic and dynamic understanding of the educational system's underlying complexities. 

The proposed framework presents a holistic view of the U.S. education system by modeling it as an interconnected network of elements such as curriculum design, teaching methodologies, resource allocation, and external socio-economic influences. To account for inherent uncertainties and variabilities, the model incorporates probabilistic analysis. Additionally, artificial intelligence offers predictive insights and data-driven decision-making support. Integrating agents into the framework can minimize the costs associated with pursuing the endeavor. This is because agents can assume certain tasks, thereby reducing the overall expenses.

This interdisciplinary approach not only identifies key leverage points for improving student outcomes but also allows for the simulation of policy impacts and the development of personalized educational pathways. The framework's dynamic nature ensures that it can adapt to the evolving educational landscape, offering a powerful tool for educators and policymakers striving to close the international performance gap and enhance the overall quality of U.S. education. This research lays the foundation for a more adaptive, equitable, and effective educational system, better-preparing students to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global environment.


The declining academic performance of U.S. students, particularly in math, science, and reading, has raised significant concerns among educators, policymakers, and researchers. Despite substantial educational investments, U.S. students often rank below their international peers in key academic areas. This paper seeks to explore the systemic factors contributing to this performance gap. It suggests a conceptually integrated approach utilizing system dynamics, probability theory, and artificial intelligence to address these challenges as a conceptual first-step proposal. The budget is optimized by implementing AI agent technology, which handles specific operational tasks, reducing overall costs.

For instance, in international comparisons, countries like Singapore consistently outperform the United States, irrespective of economic or political factors. This paradox highlights the need to critically evaluate the underlying structures and practices within the U.S. education system and propose different approaches to tackle the issue.

To illustrate, a comparison can be made between Singapore and the United States.

The following trends provide insights into the current state and dynamics of the system:

Declining Scores in Math and Reading: Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows that U.S. students' performance in math and reading has been declining. For example, 13-year-olds' math scores fell by 9 points between the 2019-20 and 2022-23 school years, while reading scores dropped by 4 points. This decline is particularly concerning as it marks the largest-ever drop in math scores since the NAEP began tracking long-term trends.

Widening Achievement Gaps: The gap between high- and low-performing students has been widening, with lower-performing students experiencing more significant declines in scores. This trend is evident in both national and international assessments, highlighting the growing inequality in educational outcomes.

Our “macro-proposition” model integrates:

  1. The system dynamics scheme

  2. Gnedenko's Theory of Probability, emphasizes the complex relationship between randomness and regularity (Gnedenko, B. V., 1962)

  3. Beer's dynamic systems approach to agent-environment interaction (Beer, R. D., 1995)

  4. Farmer argues that traditional models (in our case, traditional educational systems) have been insufficient in addressing the complexities and challenges of the contemporary world

The field of system dynamics, born at MIT Sloan in the 1950s, was developed by Prof. Emeritus Jay W. Forrester. During my tenure as the Executive Director of the Center for Public Studies at the University of Puerto Rico, I had the privilege of engaging in a dialogue with him. We discussed his work at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, the Whirlwind project, the systems approach, and his transition to the School of Industrial Management (now the Sloan School).

System dynamics uses data and technology to model the relationships between all parts of a system and how those relationships influence its behavior over time. Over the years, this framework has evolved to encompass the study of autonomous agents in diverse domains, such as robotics and biology.

We propose that modeling complex educational systems as interconnected networks of autonomous agents can offer valuable insights to school decision-makers. This approach enables the exploration of how these systems operate, adapt, and evolve, even in seemingly chaotic and unpredictable circumstances. By combining this framework with probability theory and the advancing field of artificial intelligence, decision-makers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how interventions and policies impact the system as a collective entity. This includes educational processes, student development, and multilayered institutional dynamics.

Factors influencing the “Average Academic Performance” of U.S. Students in Comparison to International Peers: Insights from Research

The multifaceted issue of the average performance gap between students in the United States and their counterparts in other countries is influenced by a complex web of interconnected factors, making significant annual progress a challenging goal to achieve. This multilayered education problem cannot be solved by a simplistic approach, as suggested by “Occam's razor,” proposed by Scholastic philosopher William of Ockham in the 14th century. His principle of parsimony states that “plurality should not be posited without necessity,” giving precedence to simplicity. In this context, it implies selecting the simpler explanation between two competing theories.

  1. The structure of the American education system. The interplay between school organizational structures (culture, regulations, operations, resources, internal politics, among others) and the environment play a significant role in shaping academic performance in the USA compared to other countries. Research shows that these structures influence various aspects of the educational environment, from teacher behavior to student outcomes (Jack Lam, Y.L., 2005), (Lauri Johnson et al., 2023). 

  • Additionally, the United States has a decentralized education system, with control over education policy and funding largely resting at the state and local levels. This can lead to significant disparities in educational opportunities and resources between different school districts. Students who live in wealthy districts with strong tax bases may have access to high-quality schools with experienced teachers and cutting-edge technology, while students in poorer districts may have to make do with underfunded schools and underqualified teachers.

  1. The diversity of the American student population. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and its classrooms reflect this diversity. Students come from a wide range of cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds, each with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. This diversity can make it difficult to create a one-size-fits-all educational approach that meets the needs of all students.

  1. Class Sizes and Individual Attention: Larger class sizes in American schools often result in less individualized attention for students, which can impact their academic performance 

  1. High Dropout Rates: The U.S. education system faces high dropout rates, which can affect overall student performance and the country's standing in international assessments.

  1. Family and Community Influence: Extensive research shows that family and community characteristics significantly influence students' school performance. This factor is crucial in understanding the disparities in academic outcomes Carnoy, M., & Rothstein, R., 2013). 

  1. Principal Stability: The stability of school leadership plays a critical role in student achievement. High turnover rates among principals and teachers, especially in schools with high concentrations of students of color and Hispanics, can negatively impact school climate and student performance.  

  1. Inequitable School Funding: School funding in the U.S. is largely based on local property taxes, leading to significant disparities in resources between wealthy and poor districts. This creates an uneven playing field for students. 

  1. Teacher Quality and Preparation: While there are many excellent teachers in the U.S., the system struggles to attract and retain top talent, particularly in high-need areas. Moreover, teacher preparation programs often fail to align with the requirements of contemporary classrooms. This misalignment is partly attributable to the low relative pay compared to the workload, which discourages promising candidates from pursuing a career in teaching, leading them to seek opportunities in other professions.

  1. Lack of Focus on Early Childhood Education: Early childhood education is critical for setting the foundation for later learning, yet access to quality preschool programs in the U.S. is limited and often expensive. This leaves many children disadvantaged from the start.

  1. Curriculum and Instruction: The U.S. curriculum can be fragmented and inconsistent, with a focus on standardized testing that can stifle creativity and critical thinking. Instruction methods may not always be engaging or effective for all learners.

  1. Lack of Comprehensive Support Systems: Many students in the U.S. lack access to the comprehensive support systems they need to succeed, such as tutoring, mentoring, and mental health services.

  1. Social and economic factors outside the classroom also influence the education system. Poverty, crime, and lack of access to healthcare can all have a negative impact on student achievement. 

Countries with High Scores: Their Approach

Several countries have achieved high scores in various domains, and their approaches provide valuable insights. Here are some countries and their strategies.

Singapore and China:

Both countries emphasize a highly structured educational environment with rigorous standards and a strong focus on STEM education. School leadership tends to be very results-oriented, with a clear focus on academic achievement. The leadership style supports a culture of high expectations and accountability, which translates into better student outcomes in STEM subjects.


Japanese schools are known for their disciplined and structured environment. Leadership in schools often fosters a collaborative culture among teachers and students, which encourages consistent high performance. The structured nature of Japanese education, coupled with a strong societal emphasis on academic success, contributes to high STEM scores.


Canadian schools tend to balance structured leadership with more student-centered approaches. Leadership in Canadian schools regularly emphasizes inclusivity, critical thinking, and the overall well-being of students, which can support strong performance in STEM while also fostering a supportive learning environment.

Compared to the United States, these countries frequently show stronger correlations between structured leadership and positive student outcomes in STEM subjects. This may be due to a combination of cultural factors, societal expectations, and educational policies that prioritize STEM education more explicitly.

In contrast, while the U.S. also values structured leadership, the broader educational environment and varying levels of emphasis on academic achievement might explain the relatively average performance in STEM subjects. The U.S. educational system is more decentralized, leading to greater variability in leadership practices and their effectiveness across different schools and districts. 

To gain a more in-depth understanding of the educational practices and leadership styles that contribute to the strong performance in STEM subjects in certain countries compared to the United States, several literature reviews can serve as a starting point. These reviews include PISA 2018 Results (Volume I) by Tan, C. (2018), as well as studies by Cave, P. (2007) and Levin, B. (2008).

Overview of a Typical School Main Processes

The following visual representation provides a general overview of the typical processes involved in a student's journey through school, from initial enrollment to graduation. Can you imagine the multiple processes that need to be coordinated and dependent upon one another to achieve the goal? At present, interactions, and coordination are primarily executed manually or, at best, through manual operational processes automated by conventional algorithms.

In the context of a real-world school environment, we can go deeper into the intricacies of school operations by analyzing the prevalent structures, responsibilities, and obstacles encountered. Our review emphasizes the complexity and interconnectedness that schools must navigate skillfully to guarantee effective functioning, academic achievement, and the establishment of a baseline for our proposal.

1. Recruitment and Enrollment Process

  • Marketing and Outreach: Schools actively market to prospective students through events, online platforms, and partnerships with feeder schools. 

  • Review Processes: Includes evaluating student applications, academic records, entrance exams, and interviews, especially for competitive programs.

  • Application Process: Often managed through online portals where students submit documents, fill out forms, and await decisions.

  • Challenges: Coordinating between departments, managing large volumes of applications, and adhering to admissions criteria.

2. Special Considerations


  • Students with Disabilities: Schools must comply with legal requirements (e.g., IDEA in the U.S.) and create Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

  • Language Needs: Schools offer ESL (English as a Second Language) programs and other language support.

  • Out-of-State or Country Students: Additional support for adapting to new educational systems, including credential evaluations.

  • Challenges: Balancing resources between special needs students and the general population, ensuring compliance with legal standards.

3. Registration and Class Assignments


  •  Course Registration: Managed through student information systems, where students select required and elective courses.

  •  Class Assignments: Schools balance class sizes, teacher assignments, and student preferences.

  •  Challenges: Scheduling conflicts, ensuring students get required courses, and managing elective availability.

4. Orientation


  • Welcome Activities: Includes orientation days, information sessions, and integration activities to help students acclimate.

  • Challenges: Engaging students and parents, providing clear information, and ensuring new students feel welcomed and prepared.

5. Academic Year Process

  • Classes: Schools develop and implement curricula in line with national and state standards.

  • Extracurricular Activities: Managed by teachers and staff, extracurriculars are vital for student engagement and college applications.

  • Progress Reviews: Regular assessment through report cards, parent-teacher conferences, and standardized testing.

  • Challenges: Maintaining academic rigor, accommodating diverse learning styles, and ensuring student participation in extracurriculars.

6. Testing and Evaluations

  • Tests: Schools administer state and national exams, along with regular assessments to track student progress.

  • Evaluations: Continuous assessments, midterms, finals, and performance evaluations are crucial for determining academic success.

  • Challenges: Standardizing tests across diverse student populations, addressing test anxiety, and ensuring integrity in testing.

7. Annual Review


  • Academic Performance Review: Schools evaluate student progress, adjust curricula, and plan for the next academic year.

  • Challenges: Aligning reviews with school goals, adjusting for underperformance, and preparing for state or national accreditation processes.

 8. Advancement and Graduation Process


  • Progression: Ensuring students meet grade-level standards and are promoted appropriately.

  • Completion of Requirements: Tracking credits, ensuring all graduation requirements (e.g., community service, exams) are met.

  • Graduation Preparation: Planning ceremonies, issuing diplomas, and preparing students for post-graduation opportunities (college, work).

  • Challenges: Managing students at risk of not graduating, ensuring compliance with educational standards, and coordinating graduation logistics.

9. Support Systems

  • Academic Support Services: Schools provide tutoring, special education services, and intervention programs.

  • Counseling Services: Includes mental health support, college counseling, and career guidance.

  • Challenges: Adequate staffing, funding, and ensuring equitable access to support services.

10. School Administration and Operations


  • Administration: Includes budgeting, staffing, facility management, and compliance with educational policies.

  • Facilities Management: Maintenance of physical infrastructure, ensuring safety, and managing school resources.

  • Challenges: Balancing budgets, meeting regulatory requirements, and ensuring efficient operations.

11. Performance Evaluation

  • Real-World Application:

  • Evaluation of School’s Grade: Schools are regularly evaluated based on student performance, graduation rates, and other metrics.

  • Challenges: Meeting state or national benchmarks, improving areas of weakness, and maintaining or improving the school’s rating.

In the real world, these processes involve multiple layers of coordination, often requiring collaboration across departments, engagement with external stakeholders (such as parents, community organizations, and educational authorities), and meticulous planning to ensure that all students progress smoothly from enrollment through graduation.

The number of processes and sub-processes a school needs to coordinate is vast. Each process involves intricate sub-processes and interdependencies, requiring careful management to achieve the overarching goal of student success. Even more, within organizational dimensions, those processes take place, such as culture, operations, regulations, resources, internal politics, attractors, and inputs from external environments, among others.

Additionally, real-world complexities such as budget constraints, varying student needs, and external pressures (e.g., changes in education policy) can make these processes even more challenging to manage effectively. Schools must be agile, data-driven, and student-centered to navigate these challenges successfully.

Critical System Characteristics

Improving the subpar average student performance in the United States is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive strategy that considers all contributing elements mentioned above. There is no simple, straightforward solution; “Occam's razor” does not apply here. Our evaluation indicates that isolated data has been used as the basis for proposed solutions, models, and interventions. The current discussion leads us to examine one of the critical system characteristics suggested by Russell Ackoff, a leading systems theorist.

  • “When a system is disassembled, it loses its essential properties. A system is not the sum of its parts' behavior; rather, it is the result of their interactions. If a system of improvement is focused on enhancing individual components, you can be certain that the overall performance will not improve.”

  • To further illustrate his point, Ackoff uses the analogy of an automobile. He asks us to imagine a room full of cars and then to ask a group of experts to select the best engine, battery, transmission, and so forth. Once we have assembled all the chosen parts, we anticipate obtaining the best possible car (given that we are only using the highest quality components). However, we do not even end up with a functioning automobile because the parts do not fit together.

  • Ackoff concludes from this that the performance of a system is determined by how its components interact, rather than how they perform when taken individually (Ackoff, R. L. (1981)).

Moreover, Ackoff's insights provide us with a framework to assert that previous research and propositions have primarily focused on specific aspects of the educational system, neglecting its complexity and dynamic nature as an ecosystem.

Designing a Path Forward: The Proposed Model

The high school environment is a complex system comprising multiple interacting components, including students, teachers, administrators, resources, and policies. This dynamic environment is characterized by inherent uncertainty and variability in student outcomes and external factors, making decision-making a daunting task for school leaders.

Our proposal outlines a research and development project that aims to design an AI-powered system dynamics model to optimize decision-making in high schools. Through the model, school leaders will gain near real-time insights into the intricate interactions within the system. This will empower them to make more informed and timely decisions that align with students' specific needs, aiming to enhance their capabilities and drive continuous improvement.

The proposed model will also utilize Monte Carlo simulation combined with AlphaGo's neural networks (Silver, D., Huang, A., Maddison, C. et al., 2016) to predict the potential impact of different interventions and policies. With this feature, school administrators gain the ability to assess various scenarios and make decisions based on data analysis within a dynamic educational landscape. This approach empowers them to move away from outdated frameworks and respond effectively to evolving challenges and opportunities.


Given the rapidly changing nature of school environments, traditional decision-making approaches often become outdated soon after implementation. Our proposed approach addresses this challenge by providing a dynamic and adaptive decision-making tool. Incorporating AI-driven system dynamics modeling empowers school administrators to remain at the forefront of educational innovation. This advanced technology enables them to make well-informed decisions that positively influence student achievement and overall educational outcomes.

Project Goals

  1. Develop a comprehensive system dynamics model that captures the key factors influencing student outcomes and school performance.

  2. Incorporate probability theory to account for uncertainty and variability in the system.

  3. Integrate AI techniques to analyze data, identify patterns, and generate predictive models.

  4. Create a user-friendly interface that enables decision-makers to interact with the model and explore different scenarios.

  5. Evaluate the model's effectiveness in improving decision-making and student outcomes.

Core Components of the Model:

1. System Dynamics Scheme:

  • Develop causal loop diagrams to visualize relationships and stock and flow diagrams to represent accumulations and rates of change.

  • Define mathematical equations for each relationship within the school environment.

2. Probability Theory Integration:

  • Identify uncertain variables in the system and assign probability distributions to these variables. Use Monte Carlo simulations to account for uncertainty.

3. AI Integration:

  • Implement machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition and prediction.

  • Use natural language processing for analyzing qualitative data.

  • Develop reinforcement learning agents for optimizing decision strategies.

4. Combining Components:

  • Use the system dynamics model as the core framework and feed probabilistic outputs into it. AI analyzes data, makes predictions, and suggests optimal decisions.

5. User Interface Development:

  • Create dashboards for visualizing model outputs and interactive elements for decision-makers to input scenarios and view results.

The below diagram illustrates how the three main components (System Dynamics, Probability Theory, and AI) interact and feed into the central Integrated Model. The arrows indicate the flow of information and influence between the components.

A brief explanation of the diagram:

The three main components are represented by large circles:

System Dynamics (top)

Probability Theory (bottom left)

AI (bottom right)

These components are interconnected, as shown by the lines between them, indicating that they inform and influence each other.

At the center is a smaller circle representing the Integrated Model, where all three components come together.

Arrows pointing from each component to the Integrated Model show how each contributes to the final, comprehensive decision-making tool.

This visual representation helps to illustrate the synergistic nature of the model, showing how each component plays a crucial role in creating a more robust and insightful decision-making framework for educational systems.

The Integrated Model

As mentioned above, the framework works by combining system dynamics, probability theory, and artificial intelligence, to address the performance gaps by:

  1. Holistic System Analysis: By modeling the school's educational ecosystem, including factors such as curriculum design, teaching methodologies, resource allocation, and socioeconomic influences, we can identify key leverage points for improvement that may not be apparent through traditional analysis.

  2. Predictive Capabilities: The model's AI components can analyze trends in student performance data, both domestically and internationally, to predict future outcomes and suggest proactive interventions.

  3. Policy Impact Simulation: Decision-makers can simulate the potential impacts of various policy changes or interventions before implementation, allowing for more informed and effective strategies to improve student outcomes.

  4. Personalized Learning Pathways: By incorporating individual student data and learning patterns, the model can help schools develop more personalized approaches to education, a strategy that has shown success in high-performing countries.

  5. Resource Optimization: The system dynamics component of the model can help identify inefficiencies in resource allocation, ensuring that investments in education are directed where they can have the most significant impact on student performance.

  6. Continuous Improvement: Unlike static benchmarking, our model provides a dynamic platform for continuous evaluation and improvement, allowing U.S. schools to adapt quickly to changing educational landscapes and international best practices.

  7. Cultural and Contextual Adaptation: While learning from high-performing countries, the model also accounts for the unique cultural and socioeconomic context of the U.S. education system, ensuring that strategies are appropriately adapted rather than merely copied.

By implementing this conceptual integrated decision-making model, we anticipate a more multifaceted and effective approach to improving student performance. Rather than focusing solely on test scores, our model considers the multidimensional nature of education, aiming to create a robust, adaptive, and high-performing educational system that can compete with and even surpass international standards.

As we close performance gaps and enhance overall educational outcomes, we're not just improving test scores – we're better preparing our students for the complex, global challenges of the 21st century.

Case Study: Improving Student Engagement and Performance at ZZZ High School


ZZZ High School has been struggling with declining student engagement and academic performance. The school administration wants to implement a new program to address these issues but is unsure which approach would be most effective.

Application of the Integrated Model

  1. System Dynamics Modeling:

    • Created a model of the school ecosystem, including factors such as teaching methods, curriculum design, extracurricular activities, student-teacher ratios, and parental involvement.

    • Identified key feedback loops, such as how improved engagement leads to better performance, which in turn increases engagement.

  2. Probability Theory Integration:

    • Incorporated uncertainties such as variations in student aptitudes, external factors affecting attendance, and potential budget fluctuations.

    • Used Monte Carlo simulations to account for these uncertainties in predicting outcomes.

  3. AI Component:

    • Utilized machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data on student performance, engagement metrics, and the effectiveness of past interventions.

    • Implemented natural language processing to analyze student feedback and sentiment from surveys and social media.

Decision-Making Process

  1. The model simulated three potential interventions: a) Implementing a project-based learning program b) Increasing after-school tutoring resources c) Introducing a mentorship program with local professionals

  2. For each intervention, the model predicted:

    • Changes in student engagement metrics

    • Impacts on academic performance

    • Resource requirements and budget implications

    • Potential challenges and risks

  3. The AI component provided insights on:

    • Which students were most likely to benefit from each intervention

    • Optimal timing and scale for implementation

    • Potential unintended consequences


Based on the model's predictions, the school decided to implement a hybrid approach:

  • Introduce project-based learning in core subjects

  • Establish a targeted after-school tutoring program for at-risk students

  • Launch a pilot mentorship program with local tech companies

The model suggested this combined approach would yield the highest probability of significant improvements in both engagement and performance while staying within budget constraints.


The model continues to ingest new data as the programs are implemented, allowing for real-time adjustments and providing insights for future decision-making processes.

Course of Action and Estimating Baseline Funding

  1. Core research team:

    • Identify experts in system dynamics, probability theory, AI, and education

    • Recruit a project manager with experience in large-scale, interdisciplinary projects

  2. Preliminary literature review:

    • Gather evidence on the effectiveness of similar approaches in other fields

    • Identify gaps in current educational decision-making tools

  3. Potential stakeholders:

    • Set up meetings with school administrators, teachers, and education policymakers

    • Gather insights on their current decision-making challenges and needs

  4. Detailed project plan:

    • Use the outline provided in the artifact to create a comprehensive proposal

    • Include clear milestones, deliverables, and success metrics

  5. Budget estimate:

    • Personnel costs: Estimate salaries for researchers, developers, and support staff

    • Technology costs: Software licenses, computing resources, data storage

    • Operational expenses: Office space, utilities, travel for conferences and meetings

    • Contingency: Include a buffer for unexpected expenses (typically 10-15% of the total budget)

  6. Potential funding sources:

    • Research grants from education-focused foundations (e.g., Gates Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)

    • Government funding agencies (e.g., Department of Education, National Science Foundation)

    • Partnerships with ed-tech companies or school districts

  7. Compelling pitch:

    • Create a concise executive summary highlighting the potential impact

    • Prepare a slide deck for presentations to potential funders and partners

  8. Ethical considerations:

    • Develop protocols for data privacy and security

    • Address potential biases in AI algorithms and data collection

  9. Knowledge dissemination plan:

    • Propose academic publications and conference presentations

    • Plan for open-source release of certain components to encourage adoption

Baseline Funding Estimate: For a project of this scale and complexity, running over 30 months, a reasonable baseline funding request might be in the range of $1.5 to $2.5 million. This would cover:

  • Salaries for a team of 5-7 full-time researchers and developers

  • Part-time contributions from senior academics and consultants

  • Necessary software licenses and computing resources

  • Travel for conferences and stakeholder meetings

  • Overhead costs for the host institution

This estimate assumes collaboration with existing educational institutions for pilot testing, which would reduce costs. The actual budget could vary significantly based on the specific scope, team composition, and institutional context.

Combining AI Agent Tasks and Potential Cost Savings

The AI agent can undertake multiple tasks to reduce the budget and streamline the project. Let's explore which tasks the agent could handle and estimate the potential cost savings:

1. Literature Review and Data Analysis

  • Task: Conduct comprehensive literature review, analyze existing research and data

  • Human equivalent: 1 full-time researcher for 3 months

  • Potential savings: $20,000 - $30,000

2. Initial System Modeling

  • Task: Create preliminary system dynamics models based on existing educational data

  • Human equivalent: 1 system dynamics specialist for 2 months

  • Potential savings: $25,000 - $35,000

3. Probability Distribution Assignments

  • Task: Analyze historical data to assign initial probability distributions to uncertain variables

  • Human equivalent: 1 data scientist for 1 month

  • Potential savings: $10,000 - $15,000

4. AI Component Development

  • Task: Develop and train initial machine learning models for pattern recognition and prediction

  • Human equivalent: 1 AI specialist for 3 months

  • Potential savings: $40,000 - $60,000

5. Documentation and Report Writing

  • Task: Generate comprehensive documentation, progress reports, and initial drafts of academic papers

  • Human equivalent: 1 technical writer for 6 months (part-time)

  • Potential savings: $30,000 - $40,000

6. Data Preprocessing and Cleaning

  • Task: Clean and preprocess large datasets for use in the model

  • Human equivalent: 1 data analyst for 2 months

  • Potential savings: $15,000 - $20,000

7. User Interface Prototyping

  • Task: Generate initial UI designs and prototypes based on best practices and user requirements

  • Human equivalent: 1 UI/UX designer for 1 month

  • Potential savings: $10,000 - $15,000

8. Continuous Integration and Testing

  • Task: Perform ongoing integration testing as new components are added to the system

  • Human equivalent: 1 QA tester for 4 months (part-time)

  • Potential savings: $20,000 - $30,000

Total Potential Savings: $170,000 - $245,000

Note: These figures are estimates and may vary based on specific project requirements and local labor costs. The AI agent would require human oversight and validation, so some human involvement is still necessary in all areas. This represents a significant saving of roughly 11-16% on a $1.5 million budget or 7-10% on a $2.5 million budget.

However, it's important to note that while AI could perform these tasks efficiently and “tirelessly,” human oversight and validation remain crucial. How could we structure the AI-human collaboration?

  1. Human Oversight: Assign a senior researcher to oversee and validate the AI's outputs. This ensures quality control and brings human insight to the process.

  2. Iterative Feedback: Implement a system where human team members regularly review and provide feedback on the AI's work, allowing for continuous improvement.

  3. Creative and Strategic Tasks: Reserves the human tasks like high-level strategy, stakeholder engagement, and creative problem-solving for the human team members.

  4. Ethical Considerations: Have humans lead the development of ethical guidelines and oversee their implementation in AI-generated components.

  5. Interdisciplinary Integration: Use human experts to ensure seamless integration between the AI-generated components and the overall project goals.

  6. Presentation and Communication: While I can draft materials, have humans refine and present findings to stakeholders, bringing in nuanced understanding and addressing complex questions.

By strategically taking advantage of AI capabilities while maintaining crucial human involvement, we can significantly reduce costs without compromising the quality or integrity of the project. This approach could make the proposal more attractive to potential funders by demonstrating the innovative use of AI and efficient resource allocation.

Alternative Approaches and Extensions

While the dynamical systems approach offers valuable insights, it's important to consider extensions and alternative interpretations:

1. Individual Differences Modeling: Incorporating methods to account for the high variability in individual student characteristics, learning styles, and backgrounds.

2. Multiscale Analysis: Developing models that integrate dynamics at different scales, from individual classrooms to district-wide trends, to provide a comprehensive understanding of educational systems.

3. Machine Learning Integration: Combining dynamical systems models with machine learning techniques to handle the complexity of educational data and identify patterns that may not be apparent through traditional analysis.

4. Network Theory Application: Using network analysis to model the complex social and academic interactions within a school, providing insights into information flow, social influence, and collaborative learning.


In addressing the persistent challenges of U.S. students' underperformance on international assessments, this paper proposes a novel, interdisciplinary approach that merges system dynamics, probabilistic analysis, and artificial intelligence into a comprehensive decision-making framework. This model aims to offer educational stakeholders a powerful tool to better understand and manage the complexities inherent in the American educational system.

By integrating these three methodologies, the proposed framework does not merely seek to address surface-level symptoms of the performance gap but delves into the systemic root causes. It enables the exploration of how various factors—ranging from educational policies and resource allocation to student engagement and instructional methods—interact over time, influencing overall student outcomes.

The inclusion of probabilistic analysis provides a robust mechanism for accounting for uncertainties and variabilities within the educational system, while AI-driven insights and predictions facilitate more informed and adaptive decision-making. This combined approach promises to empower educators and policymakers with the tools needed to anticipate the potential impacts of different interventions, personalize educational experiences, and optimize resource allocation.

Ultimately, this integrated model offers a path toward creating a more equitable and effective educational landscape in the United States. By moving beyond traditional educational paradigms and embracing a dynamic, data-driven approach, we can work towards closing the international performance gap and preparing U.S. students to excel in an increasingly complex and competitive global environment. The ongoing refinement and application of this model hold the potential to drive significant improvements in educational outcomes, not just in test scores, but in preparing students for the multifaceted challenges of the 21st century.


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Final Remarks

A group of friends from “Organizational DNA Labs” (A private group including Professor Nilza Y. Cruz contributed her research on high school math and science domains to this paper) compiled references and notes from various of our thesis, authors, and academics for the article and analysis. We also utilized AI platforms such as Claude, Gemini, Copilot, Open-Source ChatGPT, and Grammarly as a research assistant to conserve time and to check for the structural logical coherence of expressions. The reason for using various platforms is to verify information from multiple sources and validate it through academic databases and equity firm analysts with whom we have collaborated. The references and notes in this work provide a comprehensive list of the sources utilized. I, as the editor, have taken great care to ensure all sources are appropriately cited, and the authors are duly acknowledged for their contributions. The content is based primarily on our analysis and synthesis of the sources. The compilation, summaries, and inferences are the product of using both our time with the motivation to expand my knowledge and share it. While we have drawn from quality sources to inform our perspective, the conclusion reflects our views and understanding of the topics covered as they continue to develop through constant learning and review of the literature in this business field.


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